Book On-The-Go Anywhere, Anytime
Bring all travel topics to your travelers fingertips with the Welltravel mobile app. Search and purchase flights, hotels, cars and more on-the-go.
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Getting Started with
Welltravel Mobile App

Book flights, hotels, cars and more with our all-in-one self-booking mobile app - find top deals, easy check-ins and 24/7 support tailored for all your travel needs.

In-app Bookings
Book a Flight
Select dates, view results, and book one-way, round, or multi-city flights in minutes.
Reserve accommodation
Search to use the map pinpointing the perfect spot, select & reserve your ideal accommodation.
Rent a car
Enter locations, duration, and age. Scroll, select, and checkout seamlessly for your ideal rental car.
Manage Trips
Centralize trip history, documents. Access invoices, visas hassle-free within the app.
Manage Expenses
Upload digital receipts for hassle-free expense management & reimbursement.
Chat with Agency
Live messaging syncs you with your Travel Agent for a seamless travel experience.
Buy Packages
Travel Packages
Choose from a selection of packages at the best prices on flights, hotels, cars and more.
Top Deals
Start with popular packages based on your preferences & budget.
Edit Profile
Update User Information
Update profile, visa or identification document for an enhanced experience.
Edit Preferences
Enhance bookings with personalized preferences with preloaded choices.
Built For iOS & Android
Tailored for iOS & Android, our app ensures a seamless travel experience across devices for your convenience.
Built For iOS & Android
QR Code Login
Effortless login with easy QR code, providing swift access to your travel needs.
QR Code Login
Profile Management Made Easy
Enhance your experience by updating profiles, visas, and identification documents seamlessly.
Profile Management Made Easy
Book Flights, Hotels & Cars Seamlessly
Book flights, hotels, and cars effortlessly at the best prices with a few clicks.
Book Flights, Hotels & Cars Seamlessly
Optimal Savings with Best Deal Packages
Secure packages at unbeatable prices, combining flights, hotels, cars, and more for maximum savings.
Optimal Savings with Best Deal Packages
Access Trip & Expense Summary
Stay organized with centralized trip history, documents, and hassle-free expense management within the app.
Access Trip & Expense Summary
24/7 Agent Chat Support
Connect with travel agents instantly through live messaging for expert assistance and a seamless travel experience
24/7 Agent Chat Support